Palm Sunday 2008

Palm Sunday
The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is here…
riding on a donkey…
praised and honoured by sinners saved by His grace…
He didn’t come in royal garment…
but in humility and truth
God Almighty is here…He is Here…
Hosanna in the highest!
Hosanna to the Son of David!

My Life

My Life…My Colour

It’s the end of one school term. Much has happened and there are many things to thank God for. Well, of course for me, I want to thank God for the success of another Carnival and Fundraising Project. We have raised about $130,000. It was a tough job this year as this is the third year we are raising fund from the same pool of people.
I went to the first IT Show for this year. I bought a printer and really like it. Now I can print colouring pages for Valerie and she can do her colouring. She really enjoys colouring. I guess everyone will enjoy colouring…can you imagine filling a piece of black and white drawing with colours. Isn’t this what everyone is trying to do in life – adding colours to their colouring pages. Some like it colourful and complicated…but some prefer it to be simple. Some like it grey and black…but some like it multi-colour. Sometimes it depends on what picture you are colouring. I just coloured a very nice picture of a smurf house…I will post it here once I scanned it into my computer. I used several colours and it’s a wonderful piece of work. Then, being adult, I am very stereotyped, I coloured a doggy brown…and nothing else.
Oh yah, one thing I noticed abot Valerie is that she will colour things in a very interesting way. She will colour the disney princesses faces with green or blue. She will colour the grass red and pink. She will also colour all kinds of things with unconventional colours. Hahaha….When I colour the grass green, she will ask me why do I colour the grass green? Why can’t it be red…or blue…or other colour…why green? I can only answer that, "because grass is green!" What makes me so sure that grass is green….I really don’t know…
Some colouring pictures from Melissa:
I never tell my niece what colour to colour what…I will let her use her imagination and creativity to colour the pictures. Let her creativity run wild. It’s really interesting…what colour is your life?
Are you allowing social norms to decide the colour of your life?
Are you conventional?
Are you stereotyped?
What is the picture in your colouring page?
Are you the monotone type or the multi-colour type?
Are you the simple type or the complicated type?
Is your grass green?
Do you know what colour is green?
the gatekeeper07